When: Thursday, December 10, 5:30 to 8:00 (Business Card Raffle at 7pm)
Bishop’s Lounge (3rd Floor Above Sierra Grille), 41 Strong Street,
Northampton, Massachusetts
Warm (Vegan) Bruschetta will be provided,
bring money to buy your own drinks at the bar.
Door Charge:

What to Bring: Bring your business card and, if you like, something to give
away at the business card holiday raffle. During the raffle, lucky winners
will receive gifts donated by Hidden-Tech businesses. Gifts can include
sample products, signed books, a donated hour of time, etc. You do NOT have
to bring a raffle gift to attend the social, but if you bring something
along, it will be a nice way to share something from your business with a
fellow Hidden-Tech member.


On behalf of the Hidden-Tech Board, I'd like to invite all of you to our
annual Hidden-Tech Holiday Social. See some old friends, meet some new ones, and enjoy
some warm bruschetta.
We look forward to seeing you at our last event for the 2009 calendar year !
Jon Reed, Hidden-Tech Board Member