A Board Member of Hidden-Tech since its inception, Jon is a Hampshire graduate (1991) who found himself happier with entrepreneurial life than academia.


The founding editor of the Valley Optimist in the early 1990s, Jon started his current company, eCruiting Alternatives, Inc., right after the 2000 dotcom crash. Although his timing was questionable, Jon continues to enjoy running his own business, which focuses on web publishing and content development, specifically in the SAP arena. Jon has been publishing on SAP software trends for the last decade, and his main clients include SAPtips, a subscription-based publication for SAP end users. Jon also runs www.JonERP.com, an online career center for SAP consultants featuring Jon’s podcasts and his SAP Career Blog. Jon’s long term goal is to focus solely on publishing his own books, primarily on a print on demand basis. His company published The SAP Consultant Handbook, and Jon’s second title, Resumes from Hell (www.resumesfromhell.com) a guided tour of the worst resumes ever made, came out in November 2004. Jon’s next book, Free From Corporate America (www.freefromcorporateamerica.com), is “a strongly-worded tribute to the entrepreneurial life in the era of global outsourcing.” Inspired by his involvement in Hidden Tech, the book was written online in blog format and a final version will come out in book format early 2008. Jon also publishes his own essays and rants against commercialism on his web site (www.jonreed.net), a site that has little hope of generating income but may have other redeeming qualities. Apart from Hidden-Tech, Jon has absolutely no social life, free time, or hobbies of any kind.