
A word of caution, PLEASE post sparse clean messages to the list.

This means mainly do NOT post messages with repeated levels of older messages. (Messages with more than 2 levels will NOT be sent to the list, unless the content is actually relevant to the new posting)

It is fine to keep part of a prior message to give context or to specifically comment on parts of an older message BUT to just do a ‘reply to’ and leave all the last message really clogs up the list with extra large messages. And PLEASE no ‘me too’ messages.

Attachments will not be allowed on the lists, they are large and do not archive correctly. Post the attacment to your web space and reference it (if you don’t have web space, there is plenty of free places to find it)

To post you must fill out the skills inventory: What is the skills inventory and Financial Survey ?

PLEASE: This is a volunteer group, please do as much as you can before you ask for help.

    List posting guideline:

    hidden-announce Official HIDDEN-TECH group announcements only
    (Member announcements are NOT allowed to this list)

    This is a summary, it is explained in more detail below
    1) Postings must be on the general topics of interest of HIDDEN-TECH members
    2) Commercial postings and resumes or requests for jobs are not allowed.
    3) Discussions of your product or service are considered legimate so long as they are clearly a discussion of interest and not a vailed commercial offer.
    4) Job openings and contacting needs maybe posted
    5) Resumes and requests for work may not be.
    6) Postings of a blatantly political or religious topic will not be permitted: What is too political ?
    What can’t be posted: Pornography, obscenity, direct promotion of services or products without prior approval of the steering committee.
    Postings from other organizations will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Does it relate to HIDDEN TECH needs/interests, and will the organization reciprocate


    Private discussions of the HT web development special interest group

    This is for discussion of development OF THE HT WEB SITE only

    hidden-steering Private discussions of the steering committee