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There are 2 published matches for your search
Bela Breslau
Breslau Services
595B River Road
Deerfield,MA 01342
Do you know how people get stressed out when they are buying or selling a home? Well, I take care of all the details and make sure the process goes smoothly so that my clients can relax. I look for new and creative ways to bring extra value to all my clients.
Liz Provo
Mass Marketing Resources

13 Knight Ave.
Easthampton,MA 01027

Mass Marketing Resources provides cost-effective marketing solutions for small and micro businesses, including start-ups as well as for-sale-by-owner real estate marketing for individuals, builder/developers and investors. As a virtual marketing assistant, I am able to perform marketing tasks including low-cost websites, social media set up and administration, email newsletters, contact management, marketing organization and event assistance. Services may be provided by the hour, the project or on a retainer basis.