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TOP -> PUBLIC SECTOR/NON-PROFIT Professional development/social workers
There are 2 published matches for your search
Your Story Matters Documentary
Carlyn Saltman, M.A.
21 Mohawk Trail, Ste 7
Greenfield,MA 01301

Prod/Dir/Interviewer since 1982: Handheld/in-camera editing that capture unscripted stories with art & efficiency; no-stone-unturned research; personal & family histories. A discerning eye, caring heart & passion for the teachable moment.
David Spound
Valley Mindfulness

509 Fairway Village
Florence,MA 01053

I offer courses and indivudual "coaching" sessioin in mindfulness meditation and stress reduction. My services are inspired by the "Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction" program developed at UMass Medical School by Jon Kabat-Zinn. My classes and consulting services are available to individuals and organizations. I became a Hidden Tech member because, I have been installing, networking and troubleshooting Macintosh computer systems since 1987, helping organizations with anywhere from one Mac to hundreds of Macs. Also mixed Macintosh and Windows systems. ----------------------------- I have developed web sites since 1995 for clients ranging from small, local buinesses to large, multinational corporations. A list of clients is available.