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Claudia Gere
Claudia Gere & Co. LLC


Claudia Gere & Co. LLC helps smart people become outstanding authors. Claudia Gere, author of Name Your Book: 94 Nonfiction Title Tips, author’s consultant, book coach, and literary agent, helps business leaders, consultants, and other entrepreneurs develop their best writing and publishing strategies to realize their dreams of becoming an author. Through speaking, webinars, workshops, and individual coaching, she has launched many first-time authors on a path to writing and publishing success, most recently: More Time for You: A Powerful System to Organize Your Work and Get Things Done (AMACOM 2010), Successfully Navigate the Downturn: Economic and Competitive Survival Strategies (Entrepreneur Press, 2011)…and for release next year Conversation Transformation (McGraw-Hill, 2012). and