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TOP -> FINANCES AND INSURANCE Financial consulting: Financial structuring
There are 2 published matches for your search
Lyle Phipps
Lyle Phipps CPA LLC - Prepared.
20 Hampton Ave
Northampton,MA 01060

We deliver light, fast, modern, and personal versions of big firm services like tax planning, business systems design, and bookkeeping. We also know how to apply apps and Software as a Service (SaaS) into your business system or help you implement your first one.
Richard McGravey
The Davis Group

4 Bay Road
Hadley,MA 01035

We work with employers to provide comprehensive benefit solutions to attract, retain, educate, reward and empower quality employees. Our services include consultation on the design of employer-sponsored retirement and executive compensation plans complemented by the implementation of solutions for administration, asset management, and employee education all through strategic relationships with industry leading institutions. In addition, we provide organizations personal financial planning services specifically catered to the level of needs for all employees from key senior administrators to the general employee population.